Monday, 27 June 2011

Letter to IE Chief Editor Shekhar Gupta

Dear Mr Gupta,

I am sorry to say that your commentary:"Our Singapore fantasy"(National Interest column-Indian Express-June 25)was completely out of focus-and even hypocritical.  In your deep-seated prejudice against Anna Hazare and his anti-corruption movement("India Against Corruption"-IAC), you have been ridiculing and misrepresenting them from the very beginning. At no stage, you have objectively analysed the divergence between Hazare and his men and the five Central Ministers in the Joint Drafting Committee of the Lokpal Bill. For instance, the demand for Prime Minister to come under the Bill's ambit, as also the entire bureaucracy and the Members of the Parliament. While a large majority of Indians support these demands of the Hazare team, the government opposes them. Yet, you have accused  the anti-corruption campaigners of "impatience" with democratic processes and "extra-parliamentary" approach.

Although I am not a member of the  IAC movement nor I hold any brief for them, I have closely watched their moves and read their statements, as an ordinary, concerned Indian citizen, to convince myself that these people are as attached to democracy as you and I; they seem determined to work within the democratic parameters. Hence, they are not only debating on TV news channels in the presence of studio audiences as also in public fora, they want all discussions with the govt., including the drafting committee proceedings, to be telecast as a proof of their adherence to transparency. They are also meeting all political parties to acquaint them with their draft as well as the govt draft to seek their support in the Parliament when the bill comes for discussion and approval. As regards the selection of the Lokpal and his team, what is your idea on its composition? Will you give  representation to dalits, SCs, STs, OBCs,etc., and not choose experienced, honest people from the judiciary, bureaucracy, politics, academia, and so on?

Thus, this preference for "Singapore fantasy" seems to be your own figment of imagination. How many times have you criticised the disarray and confusion in the ruling Congress alliance and its misgovernance or non-governance? But, when some one else does it, you do not like it! Similarly, your hypocrisy on casteism shows. You mocked your high class, "upper crust" audience for their lack of communication and interaction with dalits, tribals, etc. May I ask you the same question? How many dalits, tribals, SCs you have befriended and appointed in your newspaper without suitable merit and credentials? Is this the only proof of one's liberalism and inclusivism in your eyes?

Yours truly,
New Delhi  

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